ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Grade (angle)

Imagine you are a little kid and you have a slide in your backyard. When you climb up the ladder to the top of the slide, you can see that it goes down at an angle. That angle is called the grade angle. It's like the slide is leaning or tilting down a bit.

The grade angle is measured in degrees. A flat surface, like the ground, has a grade angle of 0 degrees. When you start to go up a hill, the grade angle gets bigger. When you are climbing up a really steep hill or mountain, the grade angle might be as much as 45 degrees or more!

The grade angle is important because it tells you how steep something is. If you are walking or driving up a hill with a high grade angle, you will have to work harder to get to the top. If you are sitting on a slide with a high grade angle, you might go really fast and feel a bit scared!

So, the grade angle is like the tilt or lean of something. It's measured in degrees and tells you how steep or flat something is.