ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gradual release of responsibility

Okay kiddo, do you remember when we learned how to ride a bike? At first, we needed lots of help from an adult or older sibling to hold us steady and help us pedal. That was called "Modeling."

After a while, the adult started to let go of the bike and we had to balance on our own while still having the adult's hand on the bike. This was called "Guided Practice."

Next, the adult took their hand completely off the bike and let us try to ride on our own for a short distance, maybe to the end of the driveway. This was called "Collaborative Work."

Finally, we were able to ride the bike all by ourselves without any help. This is called "Independent Practice."

The same process happens when we learn new things in school, like reading, writing, or solving math problems. A teacher will first show us how to do something, then slowly give us more and more responsibility to do it on our own. This way, we can learn and grow over time until we can do things by ourselves with confidence, just like riding a bike!