ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Grand Inquisitor

Okay, so imagine you're playing a game of pretend with your friends. You're all pretending to be kings and queens ruling over a big castle. One of your friends decides he wants to be in charge of making sure everyone follows the rules, like not stealing or being mean to each other.

That friend calls himself the "Grand Inquisitor." He wears a big robe and carries around a staff, and he goes around the castle making sure everyone is behaving well. If someone breaks one of the rules, he talks to them and makes sure they understand why it's important to follow the rules.

In real life, there was a group called the Spanish Inquisition that lasted for over 300 years. They were like the Grand Inquisitor, but they weren't playing a game of pretend - they were actually in charge of making sure people followed the rules of the Catholic Church. They had the power to punish or even execute people if they didn't follow the rules the Inquisition set out.

So, a Grand Inquisitor is a person (real or fictional) who is in charge of making sure everyone follows certain rules or beliefs. They have a lot of power and can sometimes be scary because they can punish people who don't listen to them.