ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Grand Prince of the Hungarians

Okay kiddo, so a long time ago in a place called Hungary, there was a really important person called the "Grand Prince." This person was like the big boss of all the different tribes that lived in Hungary. They were in charge of making sure everything ran smoothly and people followed the rules.

The Grand Prince was chosen by the other important people in the tribes, who would pick someone who was brave, strong, and wise. This person would then become the leader of all the people in Hungary.

Being the Grand Prince was a really big deal because they had a lot of responsibilities. They had to make important decisions about things like trade, war, and alliances with other countries. They also had to make sure everyone was safe and had food to eat.

So basically, the Grand Prince was the most important person in Hungary and had a lot of important jobs to do to make sure everyone was happy and safe.