ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Grand coalition

Have you ever played a game where everyone on the playground decides to come together and play on the same team? That's kind of like what a grand coalition is - it's when two or more political parties decide to form a team and work together in government.

In countries with multiple political parties, it can be hard for any one party to get enough votes to win an election and be in charge of the government. Sometimes, two or more parties will decide that instead of fighting against each other, they can work together and merge their ideas and plans to have more power in government.

This team of parties is called a grand coalition, and they work together to run the country. They share the responsibility of making laws and decisions that affect everyone in the country, and they try to come up with solutions for problems together.

Of course, just like on the playground, sometimes the people on the team don't agree on everything. There may be arguments and disagreements, but the grand coalition tries to work through them and come up with a solution that everyone can agree on.

Overall, a grand coalition is like a group of friends locking arms and working together. They may have different ideas, but they're all on the same team and working towards the same goal.