ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Granny knot

Okay, so imagine you have two pieces of string and you want to tie them together. There are different ways to tie them, but sometimes people accidentally tie a knot that looks like a granny knot.

A granny knot is when you tie one end of the string over the other and then tie the same end over the other end again. This looks like a knot, but it's not very strong and can easily come undone. It's called a granny knot because it's the type of knot that grandmas might accidentally tie when they're not very skilled at tying knots.

It's important to be aware of granny knots because if you're trying to tie something securely, you want to use a stronger knot. A better knot would be a square knot or a reef knot, which are stronger and won't come undone as easily. So, next time you're tying something, make sure to use a good knot so it doesn't fall apart!