ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Granting of autocephaly to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine

Okay kiddo, so imagine you have a group of friends who all like playing with the same toys. They all follow the same rules and listen to the same person who tells them what to do. Now imagine one of the friends says they want to start a new group with their own rules and new toys. This is kind of like what happened with the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

In the past, the Orthodox Church in Ukraine was part of the bigger Orthodox Church in Russia. They all followed the same rules and listened to the same person - the head of the Russian Orthodox Church. But some people in Ukraine wanted to have their own church with their own rules and their own leader, who would be called a Patriarch.

After a lot of talking and debating, the bigger Orthodox Church in Constantinople (which is in Turkey) agreed to let Ukraine have its own church, called the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. This means they can make their own rules and choose their own leader.

But not everyone is happy about this. Some people who live in Ukraine still want to be part of the Russian Orthodox Church and follow the Russian leader. It's like they still want to play with the same toys and follow the same rules as before.

So now there are two groups of Orthodox Churches in Ukraine - one that's independent and one still connected to Russia. It's like having two different groups of friends who like to play with different toys and follow different rules.