ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Graph bandwidth

Hey kiddo, imagine you have a toy train and you want to send it to your friend who lives far away. You send it through a track that connects your house to your friend's house. The train can only go so fast because of how the track was built.

Now, let's think about the internet! The internet is like a big highway that connects everyone's computers and devices together. When you want to send a message or look at a website, the information travels through this "internet highway".

But just like the train, the information can only travel so fast because of how the internet is built. This is where "bandwidth" comes in.

Bandwidth is like the size of the highway. If a highway is wide, more cars can drive through it at once and get to their destination faster. If a highway is narrow, fewer cars can drive through it and it will take longer for them to get to their destination.

So in the internet world, if you have a lot of "bandwidth", it means you can send and receive more information at the same time and get it to where it's going faster. If you have low bandwidth, it means you can only send and receive a little bit of information at a time, like a narrow highway with only a few cars on it.

Just like how a wider highway can handle more cars without getting congested, a bigger bandwidth can handle more information without getting slowed down or "congested".

So there you have it, bandwidth is like the size of the internet highway and it affects how fast information can travel through it.
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