ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Great Stupa of Universal Compassion

Okay sweetie, so the Great Stupa of Universal Compassion is a big, big structure that people built a long time ago to honor Buddha, who was a wise teacher that many people follow.

The structure is shaped like a dome, which means it's round and looks like half of a ball. It's made out of things like bricks, cement, and varnish, which are all strong materials that keep it from falling apart.

People visit the Great Stupa because they believe it's a place of great goodness and kindness. When they're inside, they might sit quietly and think about important things, or say prayers and make offerings.

The people who built the Great Stupa think it's important to show compassion, which means being kind to everyone and helping when you can. The structure is a reminder to always be kind and compassionate to others, just like Buddha taught.