ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Great White Brotherhood

The Great White Brotherhood is not referring to a group of people who are related by blood, nor is it referring to the color white. It is actually a spiritual concept that some people believe in.

Imagine there is a group of very wise and powerful beings who live in a special place called the Spirit World. These beings are called Masters and they are like teachers who help guide humans on their spiritual journeys.

The Great White Brotherhood is a name given to this group of Masters, and it is believed that they are working together to help humans evolve and become more enlightened. Some people believe that the Masters communicate with humans through telepathy, dreams, or other mystical experiences.

The term "Great White" is not meant to be racist, as some people may have thought. It is just a way to describe the purity and wisdom of the Masters.

So in essence, the Great White Brotherhood is not a physical group of white people, but rather a spiritual concept of wise and loving beings who are there to guide and help us on our personal spiritual journeys.