ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Greece runestones

Okay, so you know how sometimes people leave messages or writings for others to find like a hidden treasure? Well, a long time ago in Greece, people used to write on big rocks to tell stories or to remember important things. These big rocks are called "runestones".

Now, imagine you are on a treasure hunt and you find a runestone. But the runestone has Greek writing on it, and you don't understand Greek yet. That's okay because historians and specialists can help translate the writing on the runestones.

These runestones can tell stories about the people who lived in Greece a long time ago, what kind of things they did, what they believed in, and how they talked to each other. They are like little pieces of history that give us a peek into the past.

So even if we don't find any actual treasure on a runestone, it's still like finding a treasure because we get to learn more about the people who lived long ago and how they lived their lives.
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