ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Green Card (film)

Okay kiddo, so a green card is a special card that lets someone who is not from the United States live and work there legally. It's called a green card because it used to be green, but now it's actually pink.

Now, the Green Card movie is a story about a man from France named Georges who wants to live in New York City. He decides that the best way to do that is to marry an American lady named Bronte so he can get a green card.

The problem is, they don't really love each other and they end up going through a lot of trouble to try to convince the government that their marriage is real. They have to pretend to be in love even though they're not, and it causes a lot of drama and funny moments in the movie.

In the end, Georges and Bronte realize that they actually do care for each other, but I won't give away too much because you might want to watch the movie when you're older.

So, basically, a green card is a special card that lets people from other countries come to live and work in America legally, and the Green Card movie is a funny story about a guy who tries to get one by marrying someone he doesn't really love.