Imagine you have a piggy bank where you save your allowance money. Similarly, countries around the world also have a piggy bank called Green Climate Fund. However, instead of saving money, they use this fund to take care of the environment and fight against global warming.
Global warming means the Earth is getting hotter and it's really bad news for the planet. It causes things like bigger and more destructive storms, melting polar ice caps and rising sea levels which could make people lose their homes.
The Green Climate Fund helps countries take action to reduce the amount of carbon emissions that are released into the air. These emissions come from things like factories, cars, and airplanes. The fund helps countries switch to more eco-friendly technologies like solar power and wind energy.
The Green Climate Fund works by getting money from different countries around the world. These countries donate money to the fund like you put money in your piggy bank. The Green Climate Fund then gives this money to different projects that help the environment.
So, the Green Climate Fund is like a piggy bank where countries put money to help fight against global warming and take care of the environment.