Okay kiddo, so group 13 is a group of elements on the periodic table, and they have something called "hydrides." A hydride is just a fancy word for a compound made up of hydrogen and another element.
Now, when we talk about group 13 hydrides, we're specifically talking about hydrides made with elements from that group, which includes boron, aluminum, gallium, indium, and thallium. These elements all have different properties, which means their hydrides also have different properties.
For example, boron hydrides tend to be very unstable and reactive, which means they can be dangerous to work with. On the other hand, aluminum hydrides are more stable and can be used as a reducing agent in chemical reactions.
Overall, group 13 hydrides are important compounds in chemistry because they have a variety of uses and properties. But for now, just remember that they're compounds made up of hydrogen and elements from group 13 on the periodic table.