ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Group of Seven (artists)

So, there were these seven artists a long time ago who wanted to make really cool art together. They called themselves the Group of Seven. They liked to paint pictures of nature and the beautiful Canadian landscape.

They would go on trips together to different parts of Canada to find pretty things to paint, like mountains, forests, and lakes. They would set up their easels and paint all day long, sometimes even staying overnight in tents!

When they got back to their studios, they would show off their paintings to each other and people would say "Wow, these are amazing!"

The Group of Seven were all really good friends and they wanted to show people how special Canada's nature was through their art. They even inspired other artists to do the same!

Now, people look at their paintings in museums and galleries and think they are amazing too. The Group of Seven were really important in Canadian art history!