ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gutian people

The Gutian people were a group of ancient people who lived a very long time ago, even before your grandparents or great-grandparents were born! They lived in a land called Mesopotamia, which is where modern-day Iraq is located.

The Gutians were known for being very strong and tough people who were skilled warriors, which means they were really good at fighting battles. They were also known for wearing funny-looking hats that were pointed on top and had little balls hanging from them!

The Gutians were not originally from Mesopotamia but migrated there from somewhere else. They eventually became rulers over the people who lived in Mesopotamia, but their reign didn't last very long because they were eventually defeated by another group of people called the Akkadians.

Even though the Gutians may not be around anymore, we still learn about them today because they were an important part of ancient history and helped shape the world we live in today!