ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

HTTP+HTML form-based authentication

Okay kiddo, let me explain what http+html form-based authentication is in a simple way. When you go to a website that requires you to log in, like your mommy's online banking website, you need to prove that you are the one who should be accessing the account. This is done through a process called authentication.

Http is the protocol used for communication between a web browser and web server. Https is the same protocol, but with added security features, making it more secure.

Html is the language used to create websites. A web form is a special kind of webpage that asks you to enter your username and password. This form is built using HTML code.

Now, when you enter your username and password in the form and click on the login button, your web browser sends the information to the web server using http or https protocol. The server checks whether the information is correct and if it is, you are granted access to the website.

This process is called form-based authentication. It is a way of verifying your identity on a website using a form. This way, the website knows that you are who you say you are and allows you to access the content you are interested in.

So, in summary, http+html form-based authentication is a process that allows you to prove your identity on a website by entering your username and password into an HTML form, which is then verified by the website's server using http or https protocol.