ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Haar (fog)

Dearest little one, have you ever walked outside on a chilly morning and seen the misty clouds around you? That's called fog, and it's a lot like what we call "haar" in some parts of the world.

Now, do you know how fog happens? It's actually pretty simple. You see, the air gets colder at night or in the early morning, and when it gets really cold, it can't hold onto all the water droplets that it was holding before. So, those extra droplets start floating around in the air and that's when we get fog!

This "haar" fog is actually pretty common in certain places, like Scotland, where it can happen a lot because it's surrounded by water, and the air can be pretty moist. When it's foggy like this, it can be hard to see very far ahead of you, and everything can look a little bit spooky because the fog kind of hides things. Some people love the mystery of it all, while others find it a bit scary.

So, there you have it, "haar" is just another word for fog, and it happens when the air can't hold onto all the water droplets it was holding before, so they float around and make everything look extra mysterious.