ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hacker subculture

Imagine you and your friends love to play hide-and-seek, but instead of hiding in the house, you all hide in the computer world. This is what the hacker subculture is all about. Hackers are people who love playing with computers and figuring out how they work.

Just like how you and your friends might have secret hiding spots in the house, hackers have secret places on the computer where they can find interesting things or do modifications to improve their computers. They also like to share their findings with other hackers, just like you would show your friends where the best hiding spot in the house is.

Sometimes, hackers use their skills to do things that are not allowed, like sneakily getting into websites or accounts that they are not supposed to. This is like cheating in a game of hide-and-seek, and it is not nice or legal. That's why it is important to be a good hacker and use your skills in positive ways, like helping to improve computer security or creating cool new programs.

Overall, the hacker subculture is a community of people who love to play with computers and share their knowledge with others, but it is important to always use their skills for good.