ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, have you ever played with magnets? And have you seen how the opposite ends of the magnets stick together and the similar ends push each other away? This is because they have a force that attracts or repels each other, called the magnetic force.

Now, imagine that there are super small particles inside things like atoms called protons and neutrons. They are like tiny magnets that also have forces called the strong force that make them stick together, just like magnets.

When two or more of these tiny magnets stick together, they form something called a hadron. There are two main types of hadrons: protons and neutrons, which are the building blocks of atoms.

Protons are positively charged, and neutrons are neutral (no charge). They are held together inside an atom's nucleus by the strong force, which is a force that is stronger than the electromagnetic force, which makes magnets stick together.

So, in simpler terms, a hadron is like a tiny magnet made up of even tinier magnets called protons and neutrons. And they are held together by a force even stronger than the one that makes magnets stick together.