Okay, so imagine you have a box of toys with two rows of toys in it. Each row has some toys in it. The first row has 3 toys and the second row has 2 toys. Now, let's say you want to count how many ways you can choose 1 toy from each row and put them together.
This is kind of like what a hafnian does. It's a math thing where you take a box with a certain number of rows and columns, and count how many ways you can choose one thing from each row and one thing from each column, and then multiply all those things together.
So let's say the box has 4 rows and 4 columns. You would look at all the possible pairings of things, like the toy example. Then you would multiply them all together. That would give you the hafnian for that box.
It might seem kind of confusing, but basically a hafnian is just a way of counting combinations of things in a box, and multiplying them all together.