ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Haggai 2

Okay kiddo, so in the book of Haggai, God is talking to his people who had just returned to their homeland after being exiled. They were trying to rebuild their homes and the temple, but they were feeling discouraged because everything seemed harder than they expected.

In chapter 2, God is trying to encourage them to keep going. He tells them that even though the temple they are building doesn't seem as grand as the one that was destroyed, He is still with them and it will be a special place where He can be worshipped.

He also promises to provide for them and bless them if they put Him first and obey His commands. He reminds them of all the times He has been faithful to their ancestors and tells them to trust that He will continue to be faithful to them.

God also speaks about future events that will happen, including the coming of a special person called the "Messiah" who will save the world. He tells them that even though things may seem hard now, they can have hope for the future and trust that God has a plan.

So, in short, God was telling the people to keep building the temple and trusting in Him, because He will provide for them and has a plan for their future, which includes the coming of the Messiah.