ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, so imagine you are going to school. You have a teacher who teaches you different subjects like math and English. Now imagine another school where you can go after your regular school for extra classes. This school is called a hagwon.

At this hagwon, you have more teachers who help you learn even more about the subjects you already know. You can also learn new things like how to draw or play an instrument. But going to a hagwon is a choice, you don't have to go if you don't want to.

Some kids go to hagwon because they really like learning and want to know more. Others go because their parents want them to do well in school and think the extra classes will help. And some kids go because their friends are going and they think it sounds fun.

So, a hagwon is like a special school where you go to learn more and have fun while doing it!