ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hamburg is a type of food that starts with a bun, which is like a soft, squishy piece of bread that's round and flat. Inside the bun, there's usually a patty made from ground beef, which is like meat that's been chopped up really small. The patty is then cooked on a hot grill or a pan until it's brown on the outside and cooked all the way through on the inside.

Once the patty is cooked, it's put back onto the bun and then you can add lots of different things to make it taste even better. Some people like to put cheese on top of the patty so that it gets all melted and gooey, and some people like to add lettuce, tomato, and onion, which are all different types of crunchy vegetables. You can also add ketchup or mustard, which are sauces that add more flavor to the hamburg.

Overall, hamburg is a really yummy food that lots of people like to eat, especially at cookouts or when they go out to eat at a restaurant. It's like a sandwich, but with a juicy and tasty meat patty in the middle.
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