ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hand (writing style)

When we write, we use our hands to make shapes and lines that form letters and words. Just like how we all have different hairstyles, we also have different handwriting styles. Some people's handwriting is neat and tidy, while others might have a more messy or cursive style.

When we first learn how to write, we usually start by practicing each individual letter. As we get better at forming these letters, we can start to link them together to create whole words. Some people like to have more space between their letters and words, while others prefer to make everything fit closer together.

The way we hold our pen or pencil can also affect how our handwriting looks. Some people hold their writing instrument with all their fingers, while others just use a few. The angle that we hold the pen or pencil can also make a difference in the style of our handwriting.

Handwriting can change over time as we practice and get better at writing. Some people might even change their handwriting style on purpose to make it look different or more interesting. Regardless of our handwriting style though, the important thing is that we are able to communicate our thoughts and ideas through writing.