ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hand sanitizer

Hand sanitizer is like a special magic potion that you can put on your hands to kill germs that can make you sick. When we touch things like door handles or toys, we can pick up tiny germs that we can't see. These germs can sometimes make us feel sick or give us boo-boos. But when we use hand sanitizer, it can kill those germs and help keep us healthy.

It's like when you get a boo-boo and your mommy or daddy puts medicine on it to help it feel better. The hand sanitizer is like medicine for your hands that can help keep them clean and healthy.

You only need to use a small amount of sanitizer, like a pea-sized drop, and then you rub it all over your hands, making sure to get between your fingers and all the way up to your wrists. It might feel a little tingly at first, but that's just the sanitizer doing its job.

So, remember to use hand sanitizer whenever you can't wash your hands with soap and water, like when you're out playing or touching things in public places. It's a simple and easy way to help keep germs away and stay healthy!