Hi there kiddo! Today we are going to talk about hand strength.
You know how you use your hands for almost everything you do, like picking up toys or writing with a pencil? Your hands have lots of little muscles and tendons that help you move them around. These muscles need to be strong so that you can do things like hold a heavy book or swing on the monkey bars.
There are different ways to make your hand muscles stronger. One way is to squeeze things, like a ball or a piece of clay. This makes the little muscles in your hand work hard, and if you do it a lot, they will get stronger.
Another way to make your hands stronger is by doing exercises that use your whole body, like push-ups or pull-ups. When you use your body, your hands have to work hard to help you move around.
It’s important to have strong hands because they help you do all kinds of things, from playing sports to carrying groceries. So, don’t be afraid to use your hands and make them strong!