ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Handle decomposition

Okay, imagine you have a big toy truck that's really heavy and you want to pick it up and move it somewhere else. You might think it's impossible to do by yourself because it's so heavy. But what if you broke it apart into smaller pieces? You could grab one piece at a time and move it where you want it to go. That's what handle decomposition is all about!

Handle decomposition is a way of breaking up complicated shapes, like a big toy truck or a jumbo jet, into smaller pieces that we can more easily understand and work with. We break these shapes down by imagining that there are handles on them that we can grab onto and move around without affecting the rest of the shape.

Just like you wouldn't want to grab a jumbo jet by the nose or the tail and try to move it around, you don't want to grab the wrong handle on a complex shape either. You need to find the right handles that allow you to move a particular piece of the shape without affecting the rest of it.

Once you've found the right handles, you can then start to break the shape down into smaller pieces and work with them individually. You might rearrange them or modify them in some way to make them easier to work with. Then, once you're done working with each piece individually, you put them all back together again into the original shape.

By using handle decomposition, we can break down complex shapes into smaller, more manageable pieces, making it easier for us to understand and work with them. And just like moving a big toy truck with handles, we can move these shapes around and modify them without having to deal with the entire shape at once.