ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


"Hanif" is a word that comes from Arabic and refers to someone who is very devoted to their religion, Islam. It means that they believe and follow the teachings of Allah, the prophet Muhammad, and the Quran.

Imagine that you really like superheroes, and you have a favorite superhero who you want to be like in every way. You read all of their comic books, watch all of their movies, and try to remember everything they say and do. You want to be just like them.

Being a hanif is kind of like that, but with religion instead of superheroes. A hanif is someone who tries their best to follow the teachings of their religion, and they believe that by doing so, they will please Allah and be rewarded in the afterlife.

For example, a hanif might pray five times a day, try to be kind to others, give to charity, and avoid things that their religion considers sinful, like drinking alcohol or stealing. They might also study the Quran and other religious texts and try to understand them as best they can.

Being a hanif is considered a very good thing in Islam, and many Muslims strive to be hanifs themselves. It's kind of like being a superhero fan, but instead of just liking superheroes, you're trying to be the best version of yourself that you can be, according to the teachings of your religion.