ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hanifs are people who follow the religion of Islam. Islam is a religion that many people around the world believe in, and it has rules and teachings that people try to follow to be good and kind. Hanifs are some of these people, and they try to follow the teachings of Islam as closely as they can.

Being a Hanif means that you believe in one God, and you try to do good things in your life to make the world a better place. Hanifs believe that there are things they should do and things they should not do, and they listen to the teachings of Muslim scholars and holy books, such as the Quran, to figure out what those things are.

Some examples of things that Hanifs believe they should do are praying five times a day, giving to charity, and being kind to others. Some things they believe they should not do are lying, stealing, and being cruel to other people or animals.

Overall, being a Hanif means that you are trying to live your life in a way that is respectful and kind to others, following the teachings of Islam as you do so.