ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hannan–Quinn information criterion

Hannan-Quinn Information Criterion (HQIC) is like a silly game we play to see if a group of toys in a box are really important or not.

Imagine you have a big pile of toys in a box, but you're not sure which toys are the most important. HQIC helps you figure it out.

HQIC is like a magic formula that counts how many toys there are, how well they fit together, and how important each toy is. The formula gives you a number that helps you decide if the toys are important or not.

If the HQIC number is low, it means the toys are very important and they fit together very well. If the HQIC number is high, it means the toys are not very important or they don't fit together very well.

So, HQIC is like a measuring stick that helps you decide which toys in the box are the most important and which ones are not worth playing with.