ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hardening (computing)

Hardening is like putting armor on a computer to protect it from bad guys. Just like knights wear armor to protect themselves from getting hurt in battles, computers wear hardening to protect themselves from bad people who might try to break in or damage them.

There are many ways to harden a computer. One of the most important is to install software that blocks bad things like viruses, spyware, and hackers from getting in. This software is called an antivirus, and it is like a shield that protects the computer from bad guys.

Another way to harden a computer is to make it difficult for people to guess the password. A password is like a secret code that only the computer owner knows. If someone else can guess the password, they can get into the computer and do bad things. So, it's important to use a strong password and change it often.

Finally, it's important to keep the computer and its software up to date. Just like knights need to use the latest armor to stay protected, computers need the latest software to stay safe. This means downloading updates that fix any vulnerabilities or weaknesses in the software.

By hardening a computer, we can help protect it from bad guys and keep it safe and secure.