ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Harmonic major scale

Okay kiddo, so you know what a scale is, right? You take a bunch of notes and play them in a certain order and that’s a scale. Well, the harmonic major scale is a type of scale that has a very special sound to it. Let’s learn how it works!

So first, we need to know what a major scale is. Do re mi fa sol la ti do! That’s a major scale. It’s happy and bright and you can hear it in a lot of songs.

Now, let’s take that major scale and make it a little different. We’re going to change the seventh note. Instead of ti, we’re going to use a special note called a leading tone. This note is really close to the last note of the scale and it makes you feel like you want to hear that last note even more!

But we’re not done yet! We’re going to make one more change. We’re going to change the sixth note too. Instead of la, we’re going to use a different note called a minor seventh. This note is a little bit lower than the leading tone we just talked about and it makes the scale feel a little bit moody.

So now we have a major scale with a leading tone and a minor seventh. That’s the harmonic major scale! It has a cool sound that makes it sound like you could be in a fancy castle or exploring deep in the woods. It’s used a lot in classical music but you can hear it in all kinds of music too.

Isn’t that neat? Now you can listen to music and hear if they’re using the harmonic major scale!