ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hasse principle

Okay kiddo, have you ever played hide and seek? Imagine you are playing hide and seek with your friends and your mom said that you have to find your friends in three different playgrounds. You found your friends in the first playground and went to the second one but couldn't find them there. You asked your mom where they were and she said she's not going to tell you, you have to use your brain to find them.

This is like the Hasse principle, but instead of finding your friends, we are talking about finding solutions to equations. Some equations have many solutions, and some have only a few or none at all. The Hasse principle helps us figure out whether or not an equation has any solutions.

There are many types of equations, and mathematicians like to classify them into different groups. One of these groups is called "Diophantine equations", named after a guy named Diophantus who lived a long time ago. These equations are special because they deal with whole numbers, like 1, 2, 3, -4, -5, and so on.

So let's say we have a Diophantine equation, like x² + y² = 10. We want to figure out if there are any whole number solutions to this equation, meaning can we find two numbers that we can plug into the equation and make it true?

The Hasse principle helps us answer this question by giving us some rules to follow. Just like in hide and seek, we look for solutions in different "playgrounds". In the case of Diophantine equations, these "playgrounds" are different number systems, like the whole numbers, the rational numbers (which are numbers like ½, ¾, 1.2, 2.5, etc.), and the real numbers (which are numbers like π, √2, and so on).

The Hasse principle says that if an equation has solutions in the whole numbers, then it has solutions in all the other playgrounds too. But if it doesn't have solutions in the whole numbers, then it might (or might not) have solutions in the other playgrounds.

So going back to our example, x² + y² = 10, can you think of two whole numbers that we can plug into this equation and make it true? You might have some trouble with this one because it's a little tricky. But if we try the rational numbers, we find out that x = 1 and y = 3 actually works!

So using the Hasse principle, we can say that the equation x² + y² = 10 has solutions in the rational and real number systems, but not in the whole number system.

I hope that helps you understand the Hasse principle a little better, kiddo!