ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hawaii 2

A long time ago, there were many islands in the middle of the ocean. One of these islands was called Hawaii. Hawaii was a beautiful island with lots of pretty flowers, tall trees, and colorful birds. People lived on Hawaii and they were called Hawaiians.

One day, some very important people in the United States wanted to know more about Hawaii. They wanted to make sure that Hawaii was safe and happy. So they decided to send some people to Hawaii to watch over it. These special people were called scientists.

The scientists went to Hawaii and they looked very closely at everything on the island. They looked at the flowers, trees, and birds. They looked at the water and the rocks. They even went down into the ground to see what was there.

The scientists found out that there was something very special inside the island of Hawaii. They found a big hole in the ground that went very deep. This hole is called a volcano.

A volcano is a special mountain that has a hole in the top. Inside the volcano, there is hot fire and rocks. Sometimes, the volcano gets so hot that it explodes and shoots hot rocks into the air. This is called an eruption.

The scientists found out that the volcano in Hawaii could erupt and shoot hot rocks and fire into the air. This would be very dangerous for the people who lived on the island. So the scientists told everyone in Hawaii that they needed to be careful and ready in case the volcano ever erupted.

The people of Hawaii listened to the scientists and they made a plan in case the volcano ever erupted. They made sure they had enough food, water, and supplies to last a long time. They also practiced what to do if they needed to leave their homes quickly.

Today, the people of Hawaii still watch the volcano and make sure they are ready in case it ever erupts. They know that even though it is very pretty and interesting, the volcano can also be very dangerous. So they are careful and ready just in case.