ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hawaii Ocean Time-series

The Hawaii Ocean Time-series is like checking the weather every day, but instead of just looking outside, scientists study the ocean in Hawaii to learn more about what's going on in the water.

They take really special equipment and put it in the water to measure things like the temperature, the saltiness, and how much oxygen is in the water. They even look at tiny, teeny-tiny things called phytoplankton and zooplankton. They're so tiny that we can't see them with our eyes, but these scientists have special tools that can help them see them.

They do this check-up every month, rain or shine, to see how the ocean is changing over time. This helps them understand how the ocean is connected to things like climate change, pollution, and weather patterns. It's really important work because the ocean is a big, important part of our planet and scientists want to make sure it stays healthy for all the animals that live in it and for us people who rely on it too.