ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Heads of International Research Organizations

Ok, kiddo, do you know what research means? It's when people try to find out new information or learn more about something by doing experiments or studying things.

Now, an international research organization is a special group of people who work together to do research on important topics like health, the environment, or technology. They have members from different countries all over the world, and they try to work together to find answers to really big questions that affect everyone.

The person in charge of this group is called the head. They are like the captain of a ship or the leader of a team. They make sure everyone is working together and doing their part to help the organization achieve its goals.

The head of an international research organization is a really important person because they make big decisions that affect what the group will study and how they will do their research. They also represent the group to other important organizations and people, like politicians, other scientists, or the media.

So, in short, the head of an international research organization is the boss of a big group of people who work together to find answers to important questions, and they're in charge of making important decisions and representing the group to others.