ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Heads of United Kingdom Missions

Do you know how when we go to different places, we sometimes need someone to help us find our way or someone to talk to in case we have a problem? Well, the United Kingdom also sends people to other countries to help make sure everything is going smoothly and to help British people who might be living or visiting there.

The people who are sent to these other countries are called "heads of United Kingdom missions". They are basically important people who work for the UK government and are responsible for representing the UK in other countries.

They have different jobs depending on where they are and what they're doing, but their main job is to make sure that the relationship between the UK and the country they are in is good. They might also help British people who live or visit that country, or they might try to make business deals between the UK and the country they're in.

So basically, heads of United Kingdom missions are like really special helpers who work for the UK government to make sure everything is good when the UK is working with or visiting other countries.