ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Health Disparities Center

A health disparities center is a place that helps people who are not as healthy as others because of things they cannot control, like where they were born or how much money they have.

Imagine you and your friend both got sick and went to the doctor, but your friend got better faster than you. That's because your friend might have had more money to go to the doctor more often, or their parents might have known more about how to keep them healthy.

Not everyone is as lucky as your friend, and some people have bigger problems that make it harder for them to be healthy. That's where the health disparities center comes in - they try to help these people by giving them things like better access to healthcare, education about healthy living, and support to make healthy choices even if they can't afford it.

The center tries to make sure that everyone has a fair chance to be healthy, no matter where they come from or what they have.