ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Health action process approach

The Health Action Process Approach (HAPA) is a way of helping people to stick to their health goals. It teaches you how to plan and take steps to reach those goals.

First, you set a goal for yourself—like exercising three days a week, for example.

Next, you plan how you will do it. Maybe you plan to take a walk on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday after work.

Then you prepare yourself to achieve your goal. This could mean getting new running shoes, setting your alarm earlier, or joining a gym.

After you’re prepared, you start completing the task. You get up, put on your shoes, and start walking.

Finally, you use different techniques to stay motivated. Maybe you plan to reward yourself after achieving each goal, like treating yourself to a movie night on the weekends.

HAPA is a helpful way of making sure you stick to your health goals and stay motivated.
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