ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Health effects of wine

Wine is a special type of juice that is made from squishing grapes and letting them sit for a while. When people drink wine, it can make them feel happy and relaxed. However, too much wine can be harmful to our bodies, especially for young kids who are not allowed to drink it.

Drinking a small amount of wine, for grown-ups only, can actually be good for our health! It has something called antioxidants that help protect our body from getting sick. This is like having a superhero shield that keeps our body healthy.

But we need to be careful because drinking too much wine can have many bad effects on our bodies. We can get a headache, feel dizzy, and even become sick. Too much wine can also hurt our liver, which is the body part that helps filter out bad things from our blood. If we drink too much wine, it can make our liver not work properly and make us very sick.

So, it is important for grown-ups to drink wine in moderation and not too much. Drinking a little is okay, and it can even help our body. However, too much can be harmful, so we need to be careful not to drink too much of it.