Heimchen is a small insect that is sometimes kept as a pet or used as food for other pets. It looks a little bit like a tiny cricket or grasshopper. Heimchen make noise by rubbing their wings together, which can sometimes be heard by people. Some people find the noise annoying, but others like it because it can be a nice sound to fall asleep to.
Heimchen can be kept in a special container called a terrarium, which is like a mini house for them. They like to have things to climb on and hide under, like pieces of bark or leaves. They also need food and water, which can be provided through things like pieces of fruit or vegetables, or special "gut load" food that is made just for them.
Some people keep heimchen as pets because they're interesting to watch and take care of, but others use them as food for other pets like lizards or birds. Because heimchen are small and easy to take care of, they can be a good choice for people who don't have a lot of space or time to devote to a more complicated pet.