ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Heinrich Zangger

Heinrich Zangger was a really smart guy who lived a long time ago. He was funny, kind, and loved learning new things! One of his favourite things to learn about was the ancient world - it was like a big puzzle that he wanted to solve!

He wanted to understand how the people in the very olden days made things. Things like big statues, or pots or buildings. This was a puzzle because nobody had written how they did it down, so Heinrich had to use his noggin and try to work it out.

Heinrich was so clever that he found out some of the ways they used to make these things! He would go to different places where the old buildings were and look very carefully at them to try and understand how they were made. He would also look at other things that people had made, like vases or statues, and take pictures of them so he could study them later.

One day, he found out something super special! He found out that the people back then used to add glass to really old pottery to make it stronger! This was a big discovery and lots of people got excited about it! Some people even started making pottery like this again.

So you see, Heinrich was a very smart and curious man who loved to solve big puzzles about the past. Thanks to him, we know a little bit more about how people made things long, long ago!