Okay kiddo, so there's a show called Family Guy and in one episode called "Hell Comes to Quahog", the characters Peter and Brian find out that fuel prices are going up really high. So, they decide to find an alternative fuel source to save some money.
They hear about this fuel made from vegetable oil and go on a road trip to get some. On their way, they stumble upon a big oil company that's causing a lot of pollution and destroying the environment.
The characters try to stop the company from doing bad things, but they end up getting kidnapped and taken to hell! In Hell, they meet the devil who offers them a deal- in exchange for their souls, he'll give them an unlimited supply of the vegetable oil fuel.
The devil is very tricky and tries to make Peter and Brian stay in Hell forever, but they finally escape back to Quahog. They start using the new fuel and convince everyone else to use it too, which helps to save the environment.
So, that's the story of Hell Comes to Quahog. It's a funny episode with a good message about the importance of protecting our planet.