ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Henry Augustus Rowland

Henry Augustus Rowland was a man who lived a long time ago, about 150 years ago. He was a really smart person who loved science and wanted to learn as much as he could about the world around him.

One of the things he studied was something called electricity. You know how when you rub your feet on the carpet and then touch something metal, you get a little shock? That's because of electricity. Henry Rowland was interested in how electricity worked and he wanted to find ways to use it to help people.

He was so good at studying electricity that he became a professor and taught other people about it. He even created a special machine called a dynamo that could make electricity from another kind of energy called magnetism.

But Henry Rowland didn't just study electricity, he also loved to study light. He discovered that light was made up of different colors, just like how you can mix different paint colors together to make a new color.

He even found a way to measure the different colors of light using a special tool he invented called a diffraction grating. This tool helped scientists all over the world to study light and learn more about it.

Overall, Henry Augustus Rowland was a really important scientist who helped us understand more about electricity and light, and his discoveries are still being used today to help make our world a better place.