ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Henry Jacques Garrigues

Henry Jacques Garrigues was a person who lived a long time ago in the late 1800s and early 1900s. He was a doctor who specialized in women’s health and medicine. He wanted to help women who were having babies have a safer and easier time.

Garrigues studied a lot about different ways to care for women who were pregnant and giving birth. He learned that it was important to be careful when using tools to help deliver the baby, and that it was important to keep the area clean to prevent infections.

Garrigues also studied how to help women who had problems with their reproductive organs, like their ovaries or uterus. He found new ways to do surgery and remove parts of these organs if they were causing problems for women.

Because Garrigues was so good at helping women, many people wanted to learn from him. He wrote a lot of books and taught many other doctors and nurses about his techniques.

Today, doctors and nurses still use the things that Garrigues discovered and it has helped to make giving birth and taking care of women’s reproductive health safer and easier.