ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Herbert Henry Dow

Okay kiddo, let me tell you a story about Herbert Henry Dow. Herbert was a very special man who did something very important a long time ago that still affects us today.

Way back in the olden days, people didn't have a lot of things that we have now, like cars and airplanes, and they didn't have a lot of medicines that would make them feel better when they got sick. One thing that people did have though was something called salt. Salt was very valuable because it made food taste better and it helped to preserve food so it wouldn't go bad.

Now, Herbert really liked salt too, but he thought that it cost too much money. He figured out that if he could make salt from something else, it would be much cheaper. So, Herbert did a lot of experiments and eventually he found a way to make salt from something called brine. Brine is a salty liquid that is left over when water is taken out of saltwater.

Herbert's new way of making salt was a huge success and lots of people wanted to buy it. He started his own company and called it Dow Chemical. The company made lots of other things too, like plastics, medicines, and even materials used to build airplanes.

Thanks to Herbert's hard work and clever thinking, we have lots of things today that make our lives better and easier. So, if you ever use a plastic toy, a medicine that makes you feel better when you're sick, or if you get to go on an airplane, you can thank Herbert Henry Dow for making it all possible!