ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hercules (constellation)

Imagine that we are looking up at the sky at night and we see lots of small twinkling lights. Some of these lights form shapes that we call constellations. One of these constellations is called Hercules, and it looks like a person or a strong man holding a big club.

Hercules is named after a famous hero from ancient Greek mythology. According to the story, Hercules was a brave warrior who completed twelve difficult tasks or labors to prove his strength and bravery.

The constellation Hercules is made up of many stars, but some of the brightest ones form the shape of the hero's body, arms, and legs. These stars are very far away from us, much farther than anything we can go to on Earth.

One interesting thing about Hercules is that it contains a famous object called the Hercules Globular Cluster. This is essentially a group of hundreds of thousands of stars clustered together in a spherical shape like a ball. It is one of the brightest and most well known globular clusters in the sky and can be seen through telescopes.

So if you're ever outside and looking up at the stars, try to find Hercules and imagine the brave hero from Greek mythology holding his big club!
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