ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Herodian coinage

Herodian coinage are old coins that were used in the ancient times of the Middle East. These coins were created during the reign of King Herod the Great who ruled in the Roman Empire during the time of Jesus Christ.

Think of King Herod like a really important king, and back then people used metal coins to buy things they needed like bread, clothes, or animals. Imagine the coins were like stickers that people used to trade for things they wanted.

The Herodian coins were special because they had pictures of important people like the king or his family members on them. Each coin also had numbers that showed how much it was worth.

The coins were made of metal like gold, silver, or bronze. Some of them were really shiny while others were a bit darker and duller.

Nowadays, people collect these old Herodian coins as a way to learn about history and to see what the coins looked like a long time ago. It’s like a treasure hunt to find them and it’s important to take care of them so they can be preserved for many years to come.