ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hessian crucible

A hessian crucible is a special type of container made from a material called hessian, which is a type of fabric. Think of it like a container made out of cloth instead of plastic or metal.

Now, the hessian crucible is used for holding something called a flux, which is kind of like a special helper that helps melt other things. Imagine if you are trying to melt a piece of metal, but it's really hard to do just by putting it in a fire all by itself. That's where the flux comes in - it helps the metal melt faster and more easily.

So, you put the metal and the flux inside the hessian crucible, and then you put the crucible itself into a super hot furnace. The furnace gets the crucible and its contents super hot, and the flux helps the metal inside it melt more easily. This is super important for making things like jewelry or other metal objects.

Once everything is melted and mixed together in the crucible, you can pour it out into a mold and shape it into whatever shape you want. And that's how hessian crucibles help make really cool metal things!